Monday 20 August 2018

The Lifelong Teacher

I am Vritika, 25 years old. Today is great day of my life. Today I have selected for the role of lead heroine in the upcoming film. This reminds me lots of fond memories but one incident which turned my life upside down. This happen exactly before one year 2nd December 2017. I am having dinner with my mama, papa and bhai. As at that time I was 24 they want me now to get married but in my mind I have different plan for my future. I always wanted to be an actress. In my school and collage everybody calls me “Drama queen”, because I never miss chance to act. But at that freezing night papa was so angry, he think my dream is foolish I should have leave it. That whole night I can’t sleep. I was thinking that my dream is not foolish, I want to achieve it and I will. I have one friend in Mumbai. She always supports me and always told me that, “my house is your house, you can come here and stay for whatever time you want.” Next day early in the morning when everyone is still sleeping, I’ve packed my bags and take money which I’ve saved and earned by my dream work. I didn’t leave any message for my family, I thought they will understand. I’ve took train to Mumbai and on next morning I’ve reached and found the house of Asha, my friend. Her parents doesn’t seem happy by my presence and on next day Asha told me to leave her home and go back to my home. She simply says, “I can’t help you, please leave.”  I was wandering on road with my bags, where I have seen some people are performing street play. I have introduced my passion for acting and they involve me in their group and help me find out room on rent. They are not performing only street plays but they are also performing plays in theaters. Our group of actors earn well by all shows and street plays. Today I’ve returned home after signing my first film. When the film will release my papa, mama and bhai will understand my dream. They have never tried to get me back at home, may be they also know that one day I’ll achieve what I want. I used to think Asha as selfish because she didn’t help me when I need, but today my heart has positive vibes for her. We always need people like Asha in our life. Our mistakes are teachers which can not be compared with anyone or anything. I’ve never meet her after leaving her house, but now if we will meet anywhere anytime, with the big smile on my face I just want to tell her,
Thank you…

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